2.6 We also have a professional responsibility not to allow our name to be associated with financial statements which we believe may be misleading. Therefore, although we are not required to search for such matters, should we become aware, for any reason, that the financial statements may be misleading, we will discuss the matter with you with a view to agreeing appropriate adjustments and/or disclosures in the financial statements. In circumstances where adjustments and/or disclosures that we consider appropriate are not made or where we are not provided with appropriate information, and as a result we consider that the financial statements remain misleading, we will withdraw from the engagement.
2.7 As part of our normal procedures, we may request you to provide written confirmation of any information or explanations given by you orally during the course of our work.
3.1 We shall report to you, with any modifications that we consider may be necessary, that in accordance with this engagement letter and in order to assist you to fulfil your responsibilities, we have compiled, without carrying out an audit, the financial statements from the accounting records of the entity and from the information and explanations supplied to us. To the fullest extent permitted by law we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the addressee of the report, for the work or for this report.
Updated December 2020