The purpose of this schedule to our engagement letter is to set out the basis on which we are to provide an independent reporting accountant’s report of factual findings and exceptions in respect of the Teachers’ Pensions End of Year Certificate (EOYC) for the year ended 31 March 2020 to the trustees of the academy trust and Teachers’ Pensions.
1.1 Teachers’ Pensions have adopted the pre-agreed standardised terms of engagement included within Reporting Accountant Guidance TP05 (FY19/20 Version 1). A copy of the pre-agreed standardised terms of engagement is attached to this schedule. Teachers’ Pensions accepts and agrees that an engagement between the academy trust, its reporting accountant and Teachers’ Pensions is formed when the academy trust appoints, by way of a signed engagement letter, a reporting accountant in respect of form EOYC under Teachers’ Pensions’ guidance TP05 and in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400.
1.2 We will report to Teachers’ Pensions in accordance the pre-agreed standardised terms of engagement included within Reporting Accountant Guidance TP05 (FY19/20 Version 1) and in accordance with ISRS 4400. Teachers’ Pensions will not be required to sign this engagement letter.
1.3Our engagement will be conducted in accordance with the pre-agreed standardised terms of engagement. Amongst other areas, the pre-agreed standardised terms of engagement set out the responsibilities of the academy trust and establish the scope of our work and the format of our report.
1.4 In planning and conducting our engagement, we will also have due regard to other relevant professional guidance and requirements, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard and ISRS 4400.